Kitty thoughts

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The kitty is back to blog again, after quite a while... So many things have happened lately, I think I still need some time to digest it all. So many things were said, promisses made and broken, so many tears and pain and fear. But fortunately it all ended well and I'm so happy to have such a wonderful, loving and caring person in my life like You. So now all I have to focus on is that things that happened cannot happen ever again. Well, there are times when a kitty has to do what a kitty has to do to protect her family...

Job search in Doha: If you're female there are some things to think of when you prepare for an interview. As a western woman you are automatically considered to provide "horizontal" services as well so: First of all, try to look as unattractive as possible. Tell the potential employer you have to pick up your 3 kids from kindergarten before the interview. Never ask for a salary that would in any way be fair or more than the pocket money you give to your kids every week. Well... yes... something is really very wrong with this world here... it's kinda rotten... from inside... Makes me remember the words of a dear friend of mine: Giving a caveman a gun or technology is the most stupid thing one can do...

Poooh, but there is one job where I was very successful at the interview, the position of the housewife :D
They say being a housewife is not always that easy, there are so many things to do... But somehow I always manage to do all those things in minimal time and then I'm bored. OK, it all has also a good side, the flat is now so much clean that the dust is wiped away before it can fall down on the furniture (believe me, in a desert it's quite a word...); not to mention His funny comments like: "What are you doing now?" - Ooooh, nothing, just cleaning a bit... - "Again? But you cleaned yesterday?!" - Yes but that was the bathroom and the floor. How's your day at work? - "You are cleaning..... again..... (wide smile on the other end of the phone)" So... and now the kitty's gotta hop on her broom and fly home to... ehm... well, that's my secret now ;)

Posted by Sunshine Kitty :: 2:48 pm :: 0 Comments:

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